
About the game Golden Clone

The popular and captivating game «Golden Clone», which you are a guest of now, is a virtual world, constantly developed by its residents and the state. It resembles the real world fairly well :
It has politics and population of its own - players' characters (the clones), an economy of its own as well as a stable and highly demanded currency of its own - the golden coins. Everything here has a value which can be expressed in monetary terms of the real world. The game money you earned can always be transferred to your real world bank accounts or accounts in electronic payment systems .

Our online exchanges and auctions will amaze you with their intuitive simplicity, trading opportunities and information provided, as well as zeal of the participants. For instance, in our game, the volume of a non-recurrent deal carried out by a player exceeded 6 000 golden coins (over 200 000 rubles, over 7 000 USD and over 5 000 euro)! State social benefits will pleasantly surprise you with stability. Only our game provides age-based beneits to its characters (residents of the state)! The dividends accrued on securities of the Land of Clones, provide an aggregate profitability of over 100% annual!

Wide array of game opportunities will enable you to uncover your own capabilities. Start another life - a life in this virtual world and try to achieve its pinnacle, sense the feeling of a founder of a state. Imagine, how many interesting people you will meet when you start this game!

When you create one or more game characters (clones), you will begin a fascinating journey which will grant you another life. And even if, at some point, it will happen that by reasons out of your control, you won't be able to dedicate any time to the game, then, whenever you're able, you may log into your account momentarily and feel the thrill of finding out what had happened to your clones while you were away, how much have they managed to earn for you and what changes took place in the virtual state, and what new developments the game now has. Virtual life goes on non-stop, the clones continue to live, work, earn and make their masters happy.

The clones are already working for many users, bringing them joy and profit! Aren't you among us yet?!
This game has no limits or frames you have to fit in. Here all your ideas are welcome and will be rewarded.

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