

General information

Dosshouse was made for all residents of the Land of Clones who need help. If you need help, do come in and receive it. However, a Dosshouse may not always have space available to accept you.
Here you may also find a decent job for your clones. You may familiarize yourself with the way the bonus and the salary funds are formed on this enterprise in the Employment/Dismissal section.
The tramps who vagabond the Land of Clones for 30 дней days and never became Hired hands, understand that their masters are not interested in their social growth. They are filled with grief and their strength gradually abandons them... residents help them get to the Dosshouse, where such tramps are placed in the Hapless Halls. A tramp has two ways out of here - it will either find a new master, rejuvenate and will be ready to work again relentlessly, or, on expiry of the 30 days in the Hapless Halls, the poor tramp will end up in the cemetery, dead of grief and lack of hope.

General information

If a clone combines its labour activity with a job in other enterprises and lacks work capacity for full-fledged work at this job, such resident fails to cope with his/her work and, therefore, ceases to earn a salary. Если в течение трех дней работник не справляется с работой, он будет уволен с данного предприятия.
Если вы хотите занять высокую должность, но свободных мест нет, вы можете занять низшую должность и в конце рабочего дня, в зависимости от ваших характеристик, вы займете соответствующую должность. Клон, который занимал эту должность ранее, будет переведен на ступень ниже.

Bonus funds

Фонд премий предприятия формируется путем выделения государством средств на благотворительность. За каждого жителя, попросившего кров в ночлежке, государство перечисляет 0.01 золотых в фонд премий сотрудников данного предприятия.
Hapless halls
The tramps who vagabond the Land of Clones for 30 days and fail to acquire the social status of "Hired Hand", understand that their masters are not interested in their social growth.

Ask for shelter

Dosshouse was created for all residents of the Land of Clones in need. A Tramp (provided it's the only clone on the account) may receive shelter and means of subsistence in the amount of 0.01 золотых golden coins (provided the charity fund has the required sum available).
Only one visit to the Dosshouse from the same IP a day.
If a Tramp is too drunk, it will be denied admittance. To prove that one is sober, you need to input the numbers correctly.

General description

Dosshouse was created for all residents of the Land of Clones in need. The Dosshouse can only be visited once a day. Here a resodent may receive shelter and means of subsistence in the amount of 0.01 золотых. Per day of each resident's living in the Dosshouse, the state will transfer to the personnel salary fund 0.01 золотых. The funds supporting the Dosshouse are allocated from the Charity fund.

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