

General information

University is a place where all residents of the Land of Clones study. It's a place where the wisest residents of the state meet and work. Many residents take pride in the work of lab assistants and assistant teachers to gain experience and knowledge and, over time, become a respected professor.
The State University is open for all those wishing to learn and work. Detailed information on formation of the employees' bonus fund and their salary is available in the section "Employment/dismissal"
Detailed information on education and training is available in the remaining sections of the menu.


General information

If durability of the tool required for work has expired and the resident have failed to notice it, he won't be able to work at the University (until purchase of the lacking instrument) and will be marked by a sign "On vacation".
Tutors may set the price of their academic hour at their discretion, within the interval from 0.2 золотых to 0.9999 золотых. The default price of the academic hour amounts to 0.6 золотых. The higher is the discretion level, the higher rating will be granted to the given tutor.
Calculation of the daily possible amount of academic hours:
Y = (А/50) - 1, where А is the amount of discretion points (of a given tutor) (A tutor can't sell more than Y discretion points a day.)
If a tutor have exhausted his training limit of the day, there will appear a sign "Busy" beside such tutor's name in the list.
The grade of each employee is the amount of «Discretion» points If a clone combines its labour activity with a job in other enterprises and lacks work capacity for full-fledged work at this job, such resident fails to cope with his/her work and, therefore, ceases to earn a salary. If an employee fails to cope with his/her job for three days, he/she will be fired.
If you wish to take a high office, but there are no vacancies, you may take a lower office and, at the end of the day, depending on your stats, you will assume the corresponding office. The clone which held that position shall be transferred to a lower one.

Bonus funds

1. Each tutor pays 0.15 золотых of each academic hour sold to the University. The University makes the following transfers at the expense of its income:
— 0.08 золотых to the state budget;
— 0.005 золотых to the charity fund;
— 0.065 золотых the bonus fund of the University;
2. 40% of the sum spent by Princedoms on scientific research (improvement of the University).
3. 30% of payments by residents of the Land of Clones for education (geology, jewelry craft);
4. 10% of payments by residents of the Land of Clones for education (medical assistant, surgeon, smith);
The bonus fund is distributed among tutors as follows:
— 60 of the bonus fund shall be paid to tutors of the University, in proportion to their grade points;
— 40 of the bonus fund shall be paid to assistants and lab assistants depending on their grade points;

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